If you want to make a web site, you need 2 things - your own domain name and a web hosting plan for it. The domain registration is the actual web address that you type in an Internet browser to reach a site, while the hosting space is where your website files is going to be. These are 2 very closely related, but independent services, while many people think that registering the domain is enough. Very similar to the disk space and the monthly traffic features that a given website hosting plan offers, there are a certain number of registered domain names which you can add as hosted i.e. you can have the web content for them in some account even if the domains are in fact registered through a different firm. In technical terms, it doesn't matter if a domain is registered and hosted with the exact same company or is registered with one company and pointed to another - either way your sites will function exactly the same way.

Hosted Domains in Cloud Hosting

Using our cloud hosting plans you are able to host a different amount of domains, no matter if you register them through our company or with some other provider. In the event you host only a few domain addresses, you'll probably use a smaller amount of system resources, so you can go for a lower-end plan, which will be less expensive. If you choose to add more domain addresses to your account at some point, you can add extra slots via your web hosting CP and keep the current plan or upgrade the whole plan and employ the added system resources for the new domain names. Either one of the upgrades takes only a few mouse clicks and is activated immediately. As registering and hosting a domain address are 2 different things, there is no limit how many domain names you'll be able to register no matter the plan you’ve signed up for.

Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Servers

Due to the fact that our semi-dedicated hosting plans are very powerful, we have decided not to place any limit on the amount of the domain addresses that you can host if you buy such a plan. This feature is unrestricted by default, not on demand or following some upgrade, therefore it's your choice how many domains you'll add and how you will employ the resources of your semi-dedicated hosting account. The plans are controlled through our in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel which will allow you to see and manage all hosted domains in one location, removing the need to go through different accounts as you will need to do with all the other website hosting Control Panels. Additionally, there is no restriction how many domain addresses you can register or transfer and it's your choice how many of them you will host inside the account.